Residential Shelter Services
Our bright, updated, accessible residential facility accommodates up to 54 adults and children. Lengths of stay vary. Our hope is that individuals can use the services offered to ensure safety, gain confidence, become empowered and obtain support while transitioning into the next stage of their lives.
Housing Services
Housing is the step between short-term crisis shelter and permanent housing. This program is designed to assist those who lack the resources to become financially independent and helps them gain life skills to disengage from their abusive pasts. Housing is funded through various grants. With these grants, the Crisis Center is able to provide financial support towards apartment rents for clients scattered throughout south suburban Cook County.
The philosophy of this program is to foster self-determination and to work towards social change through collaborations between the survivor, case worker and the community. Our goal is to provide access to a variety of services and resources on a voluntary basis. The Crisis Center values each survivor as being the expert on their life and experiences; and therefore establishes their own goals in determining their own successes. The Housing program acknowledges not all survivors’ needs are the same and for that reason utilizes an “Individualized Structure” which focuses on embracing each individual’s specific needs. The Crisis Center acts as an ally by providing support and building a respectful, open and honest relationships with each survivor

Who Is Eligible
Any survivor of domestic violence who is a current residential, counseling or court advocacy client at the Crisis Center is eligible for transitional housing as space permits.
What We Do
The Crisis Center Transitional Team works closely with clients to aid in their success of the program. A wide array of services are offered to each client and caseworkers help clients to identify the services that are most relevant and appropriate to their needs. Examples of services utilized by clients are: fully furnished apartments, learning and practicing life skills, education/tuition reimbursement, child care, transportation assistance, employment/resume services, grocery assistance, clothing assistance, counseling, financial assistance and safety planning. Clients are encouraged to present any need with their caseworker and they will work collaboratively to resolve the issue. The Crisis Center also takes pride in various community partnerships to help clients achieve their goals and define their success.
What Next?
If you are eligible and interested in transitional housing at the Crisis Center or have questions regarding our program, please call the hotline at 708-429-7233 and ask to speak with a Transitional Housing Specialist.
Rapid Rehousing Program
Rapid Rehousing is designed to assist survivors on a short-term basis become financially independent while providing supportive services that helps them gain life skills to disengage from their abusive pasts. This program is funded through HUD and offered in partnership with Anew: Building Beyond Violence and Abuse.