24 Hour Crisis Hotline

Crisis Center Hotline

Domestic violence affects everyone in unique ways. Staffed by 40 Hour Domestic Violence trained Advocates, our Confidential Hotline is available to assist all callers, from survivors seeking Agency services, to friends and family seeking support for their loved one, and other social service agencies supporting their clients. Whether it's via phone call, text, or online chat, Advocates are prepared to provide personalized support to each individual to connect them with Agency and community resources.

Support Provided by the Hotline:

Services provided by the Hotline include: Crisis intervention, shelter screenings, counseling intakes, court and medical advocacy, as well as referrals to community resources such as food pantries, financial assistance programs, and community mental health programs.

When connecting with a Hotline Advocate, each caller will have the opportunity to share their current situation and discuss their specific challenges and needs. This allows our Hotline Advocate to connect each caller with the services they need most, in a safe and confidential setting.*

It is critical that anyone calling into the Hotline is in a safe place, away from their abuser. If an abuser returns while a caller is working with a Hotline Advocate, the caller will be directed to to end the call immediately.

If it is not safe to call from home, survivors may go to a friend or family member’s home, or a local police station or hospital.

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Our 24-hour Hotline operates 7 days a week, 365 days a year.