Help A Friend Or Loved One
Understanding Domestic Violence
Recognizing Domestic Violence
They may be afraid of their partner or they may be anxious to please him or her.
They may speak of their partner’s ‘jealousy’, ‘bad temper’, or ‘possessiveness’.
They may appear withdrawn from friends or family members. They may stop seeing friends or family, or cancel last minute for visits.
They may have injuries, or they have frequent ‘accidents’ for which they may give unlikely explanations. They may sometime miss work due to some of the ‘accidents’ they have.

What can you do?
Set up a time to talk – Try to make sure you have privacy and won’t be distracted or interrupted.
Let them know you are concerned for their safety – Tell them about your concerns. Let them know you are willing to listen.
Don’t place blame, guilt or shame – Be supportive, don’t judge. Avoid telling them what they have to do, such as leave the relationship. Instead, say “I get scared thinking about what might happen”.
Offer specific support – Let them know you are always willing to listen, but also let them know other support you can offer such as childcare, transportation, accompanying them to court or other appointments.
Encourage them to reach out for help – If they are ready to ask for help, assist them with connecting to local domestic violence agencies including the Crisis Center for South Suburbia.
Help develop safety practices – They may not be ready to leave or they may feel they want time to create a Personalized Safety Plan. There are steps they can put in place.
- Agree on a code word or signal they can use to let you know they need immediate help.
- Help them prepare an excuse so they can leave quickly if they feel they are in danger.
- Help them prepare a bag with all essentials they may need (clothes, money, important documents such as birth certificates).
Keep supporting after they have left the relationship – The period of times someone leaves an abusive relationship can be dangerous. Oftentimes the abuse may escalate as the abuser is a attempting to regain control.
If they decide to stay, continue offering support – They may decide to stay in the relationship or leave and return multiple times. It may be difficult for you to understand, but people stay in abusive relationships for many reasons. Be supportive, no matter what and continue to stay in frequent contact with them. Having a supportive friend or family member is very important.